Tuesday, May 1, 2007

CNN: Challenging Fox News for Worst News Station Ever

I know what you're thinking: what a monumental task! As completely useless as Fox News? As shamelessly unnews-worthy? Impossible!

Well, you're right, it is. I doubt any other news network will ever manage to sink as low as Fox, or at least ever be as good capturing an audience whose average IQ ranks somewhere between 15 and 45. Take, for example, this stellar piece of journalism:

Wow, I mean just wow. I'm still not sure how Fox managed to get a seasoned vetern like old Chuck to even come on their show. Incredible, just incredible.

Obviously CNN would have to really pull out all the stops to beat Fox in the race to the bottom of the intelligence barrel. They're not there yet, but they're sure trying. Consider the I-Reporter feature they just introduced. Don't be fooled, the I-Reporter idea may seem like a fancy of saying "cell-phone video for shock-value stories that aren't news at all," but this is legitimate journalism folks. I mean sure, the video replaying a train hitting an 18-wheeler may not exactly be news, but that one titled "Man sues Cleaners for $65M" is some hard-hitting shit.

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