Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And the Pulitzer winners are...

The Wall Street Journal? What the hell? Seriously?

I did a double-take (more like a double-listen as I heard it on NPR) when that bit came up, and had to know more. At first I thought "that fascist paper won something?" and then I thought "maybe they deserved it," and sadly I have to admit their Pulitzers were well-deserved. For anyone that doesn't know, the Journal won the prizes for their expose of the "unethical practices of business executives who had rewarded themselves millions of dollars by backdating stock options."

Fair enough. But for the Pulitzer Prize Board to conclude that they had brought "widespread changes in corporate America" might have been an overstatement. Sure, CEOs won't backdate anymore, but the chances of that effecting any widespread changes seems to be a bit over-the-top. If anything the scandals with backdating and, less recently, with Schilling and Lay at Enron prove that corporate moguls are always one step ahead on such things. Still, fair play to the fascists over at the Journal for their hard work.

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