Monday, April 9, 2007

Mexican Ice FOR THE WIN

According to a report today by National Public Radio, Mexican "Ice", a potent form of crystal meth, has been making its way into the United States in increasingly large amounts due to the success of the Drug Enforcement Agency in shutting down smaller local meth labs. This new, highly addictive form of the drug is not only more potent but more dangerous as well.

The report was part of a series by the NPR on the "Forgotten War: the War on Drugs," and I'd have to agree about the forgotten part. It's time for a new focus! Our politicians need to show us they are serious about curbing demand at home in the United States, not just supply in Latin American countries like Colombia and Panama. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm dying to see Obama and McCain touring some recovery clinics gladhanding the meth addicts. I can see it now:

Obama: I'm sorry we forgot about you. We have to do better in providing you with adequate rehabilitation facilities in the future.
Addict: How about you give me some more meth instead?
Obama: I know what you're feeling right now, brother. Resist the temptation.

Rock on drug dealers and $20 grams.

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