Friday, May 25, 2007

Democrats Puss Out

Political parties blow. Both of them. All of them. But my respect for the Democrats had been growing lately over their newly-found balls (helped by poll numbers no doubt) on the Iraq war and the funding bill. That respect ended today when the Democrats capitulated to Bush with the passage of a bill that does nothing more than solidify the status-quo.

That's too bad. Not because the Democrats were right (I'm not sure that they were), just that I could have respected the party if it had finally found its spine. Disappointed? Me too.

Here's what Bush said:

“As it provides vital funds for our troops, this bill also reflects a consensus that the Iraqi government needs to show real progress in return for America’s continued support and sacrifice"

Really, Mr. President? Because to me it reflects that Hillary and Pelosi probably have more balls than all of the other Democrats combined. After the passage, an NPR guest suggested that the Adminstration had "played a weak hand very well," and I have to agree. By implication, that also means the Democrats played a strong hand poorly. And I have to agree with that, too.

Too right, sir. Too right.

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