Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Farewell to Falwell

God damn that title rocked. Anyway, the Great Divider, Reverend Jerry Falwell is dead today. I thought about waiting to report on this because I like to wait a few days to make fun of dead people, but I figured I'm destined for hell anyway so fuck it.

Personally, I always loved Falwell. Watching him speak and watching the 700 club were two of my favorite activities. Granted, I watched them for the comedy value (made all the better because they were completely serious the whole time), but I welcome laughter in whatever form it takes, even if it's at the expense of others.

On the whole, though, I'd have to agree with the New York Times: Love him or hate him, Falwell was an integral part of the political landscape for both Democrats and Republicans, and will continue to hold sway even after his death. It's like when Time put Hitler on their cover as the most influential man of the 20th century; genocidal murderer or not, he was a great man in the objective sense, and the same can be said for Falwell.

In other news, I hadn't seen a picture of him in quite a long time, and had forgotten how fat he was. In parting, here are some of the Reverend's most lasting and poignant insights about the world we live in and the people that are sinning their way right into Hell.

On faith:
If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being.
On 9/11:
The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this.
On disease:
AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.
On literature:
The Bible is the inerrant word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc.
On politics:
The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.
On music:
Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan.

R.I.P. you crazy son of a bitch. We'll miss you.

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