Friday, May 18, 2007

Hillary Clinton Sucks

I read a great opinion piece in the last Time magazine (can't remember who the author is by), and the basic thesis was this: when people look at Hillary, they see a woman, and that means a change in the status quo. But if you look at Hillary the politician, not Hillary the woman, what you see is exactly the opposite. She's shockingly plain, maybe even predictably entrenched in the Democratic leadership. I see the John Kerry-in-reverse effect happening here (how fitting that the party moves radically one way, electing a boring but seemingly electable candidate, only to nominate an exotic but actually bland one the next year).

That idea got a welcomed boost with a recent Los Angeles Times article exposing what a conservative bitch Hillary really is (which I find bemusing considering most conservatives think her a boundless commie).

At Wal-Mart, Clinton didn't upset any carts

As a board member, she touted women and the environment but didn't fight anti-union efforts.

That pretty much sums it up, folks. We've got a black guy and Hillary. We're so fucked.

This film may be familiar, but that doesn't make it any less applicable.

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