Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Houston, We Have a Mexican

Oh, do we! Richardson entered the race as the THIRD minority candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. So, to recap, here's what we've got so far:

1 Woman
1 Black Guy
1 Mexican

Hmm, looks like we're missing a few. We still need an asian candidate, that's for sure. A Muslim candidate might help us out. Of course we could just throw the Reverend Jesse Jackson in there again. Yeah, I know he's black, but he's that special kind of black so he doesn't count.

My broader point here: what kind of faith should we have in the "throw every minority at them" approach that has characterized the Democratic side so far? I, for one, am not holding my breath. Here's the LA Times vomit:

New Mexico Gov. Richardson officially enters presidential race

In L.A. speech, former congressman, diplomat announces bid to be first Latino U.S. president.

Flanked by local Latino leaders and a large contingent of politicians from his home state, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson formally entered the 2008 presidential campaign Monday, saying that his thick resume offered him an ability unmatched by others in the race to tackle the country's problems at home and abroad.

The Democratic candidate, who has been running for months and has already aired campaign ads, made his announcement in downtown Los Angeles' Millennium Biltmore Hotel.

Richardson's official entry expands what is becoming the most diverse field of mainstream presidential candidates in U.S. history. He is of Mexican heritage, and his candidacy joins those of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), the son of a black man, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), the first woman to campaign in the top tier of her party's presidential contenders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.